Easy, Affordable Online Sales Solutions
In addition to informational sites, Overslot designs, develops, and maintains clean and contemporary e-commerce sites, making online sales easy.
Easy to update: add, change and remove products with drag-and-drop tools
Fully responsive: customers can order via phone or tablet without zooming and panning
User-friendly: integrated shopping cart and streamlined checkout process maximize orders
Owner-friendly: robust order management and shipping tools make fulfillment easy
Adaptable: Process payments with all major credit cards via Stripe and/or PayPal or integrate Shopify
Monthly fees start at $18 plus a 3% transaction fee or $26 with no transaction fee. One-time build fees start at $750.
Sample Marine Industry e-Commerce Solutions
Click a screenshot to enlarge.
Owner-accessible analytics
Built-in order tracking
Optional fulfillment solution
“Zack’s knowledge about my market really helps us communicate with each other and with my customer base. My monthly internet sales have steadily increased year over year. Could not be happier.”