Mosquito Lagoon Fish Camp Redesign

When I decided to start doing this stuff on a contract basis, I knew I needed to build a portfolio, which meant working free or very cheap. The first thing I did was contact a dozen or so guides working my local waters — Mosquito Lagoon and the northern Indian River Lagoon — and offer to build them a site for free.

All except one of them ignored the offer. Brian Clancy, who runs charters and owns Mosquito Lagoon Fish Camp with his wife, was interested.

Over the next couple months, I tagged along in my own boat with a camera for a couple of his trips, photographed the fish camp, interviewed him at length, wrote copy, and designed and built a new site.

Just a week or so ago, I finished up a redesign of the site incorporating what I've learned in the intervening three-and-a-half years, also at no charge (except the occasional fishing trip). Screenshots of the home page and an internal page are below. I truly appreciate his willingness to take a chance. Definitely a win-win.

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